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Want to play High School & College Basketball?

The 2025 basketball season is approaching in the USA. Join other players in our USA Institute of Sport tryout evaluations to take your game to the next level!

"If you're looking to play college basketball in the United States, Chris gives you the best opportunity because he actually represents college coaches as their agent."

John Pigatti, winningest Junior College Coach over the past decade

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Our goal at this combine is to select the top players to participate in three different tour scenarios. The top players will be chosen to join an AAU team competing in the premier AAU tournament in the United States, held in Indianapolis, Indiana, from July 2025, in front of nearly every college basketball coach. This is your chance to unleash your potential and showcase your talent on one of the biggest stages in basketball.


Whether you are in 8th-12th grade and aspire to play college basketball in America, the USA Institute of Sport of Sport will get you there. Each session is a placement day where players participate in an intense 90-minute workout. Athletes are evaluated on ball handling, shooting, footwork, and overall basketball IQ, with a live scrimmage on Day 2 of each session. This is your opportunity to showcase your skills, unleash your potential, and start your journey toward basketball success.

USA High School & College Basketball Tryouts

Session 1:

Session 2:


  • ​Boys and Girls ages 11-14 years old


  • Eastern Mavs Practice Facility


  • February 8th & 9th

  • 9am-12pm (subject to change)


  • $150


  • ​Boys and Girls ages 15-19 years old


  • Eastern Mavs Practice Facility


  • February 15th & 16th

  • 9am-12pm (subject to change


  • $150

What does a tryout get you?

Registering for the USA Institute of Sport tryout guarantees a chance to play in front of Chris Warren and staff. Chris' extensive basketball network allows kids of all ages to play in the United States which unlocks many opportunities. 

Tour One

December 2025

Players and family tour with games against Indiana High School teams.

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Tour Two

June 2025

Players and family tour with games in Rome, Turin, Genoa, and Milan.

Tour Three

July 2025

AAU tournaments in USA/LA/Indianapolis, players and families more than welcomed to play in some of the top AAU tournaments in the United States.

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Chris Warren

Founder & Agent

  • Former High School and College Coach

  • Founder of Integrity Sports Corp

  • Founder of Warren Sports International

  • Has represented over 100 players and coaches

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Marc A Lickliter

Coach & Scout

  • Career began at Cloverdale High School​

  • Coached Indiana All Stars, boys and girls, 3 have spent time in the NBA

  • Involved in Michael Jordan's Flight School in Chicago

  • Currently coaching the top rated 8th grade boys team at Orchard School in Indianapolis

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John Spezia

Coach & Scout

  • President of NJCAA Coach's Association for 4 years

  • Athletic Director for High School & College level for 24 years

  • NCJAA Basketball Hall of Fame

  • NJCAA D2 National Champion

  • Illinois Basketball Coaches Association Basketball Hall of Fame


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Junior Basketball Association

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National Basketball League (Australia)

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